
Ultimate Leadership Martial Arts | Martial Arts Classes for Springboro and Centerville, Ohio

Springboro - 937-748-8797 | Centerville - 937-306-2120

About Us

About Our Academy

Ultimate Leadership Martial Arts is a modern martial arts training center that focuses on teaching traditional TaeKwonDo as well as true leadership skills. Since opening in February 1999, our classes have been structured for maximum results and enjoyment. Students, of course, learn all of the Kicks, Strikes and Blocks of TaeKwonDo, PLUS true self-defense training and escape techniques. Also, each 10 week training cycle we focus on one of our 5 Core Tenets:

  • Leadership
  • Strength
  • Commitment
  • Knowledge
  • Respect
About Us

About Senior Master Michael Mershad

Rank: 7th Degree Black Belt and Senior Master Instructor

Training Philosophy: All of us who join a Martial Arts Training Center do so in order to reach new levels of physical and mental strength. We start with the mindset of wanting to learn it all and the goal of mastering the art. That “Beginner’s Mindset” is one that must be maintained throughout one’s training, from day one to the grave… Once we loose sight of that humility, we are done moving forward. Continue to recognize that you have a long way to go, and you will see major improvements in your abilities and your motivation to get better, faster, smarter, stronger… Feelings About Being a TaeKwonDo Instructor: “Teaching brings me immeasurable joy and excitement. As in any other professions, there are those days… but once the 1st student enters the the Academy my day takes on new meaning and importance.”

Special Thanks: I thank God for my accomplishments, opportunities, and ability. I also have the best Parents out there and without their guidance and love I wouldn’t be the man I am today. Thank you to my wife who supports me and my dreams. Also my 4 daughters, Madison, Bailey, Reese and Aspen. And a big thanks to all of my students (past and present) who I have had the Awesome Opportunity of teaching!